Bücher zum aktuellen und historischen architektonischen Diskurs
CARTHA – On Relations in Architecture
Places for Strangers
Ideas for Places, People and the City by Mæ architects
On the Duty and Power of Architectural Criticism
What Is Critical Urbanism?
Urban Research as Pedagogy
Non-Referential Architecture
Ideated by Valerio Olgiati – Written by Markus Breitschmid
Nicht-Referentielle Architektur
Gedacht von Valerio Olgiati – Geschrieben von Markus Breitschmid
Architettura Non-Referenziale
Ideato da Valerio Olgiati – Scritto da Markus Breitschmid
Nachhaltige Zukunft bauen
Architektur Klima Atlas
Klimabewusst entwerfen in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis
Reuse in Construction
A Compendium of Circular Architecture
Bauteile wiederverwenden
Ein Kompendium zum zirkulären Bauen
Absolute Beginners
Das Synagogen-Projekt
Zum Wiederaufbau von Synagogen in Deutschland
Visions for Architectural Design. Towards 2050
Alle unter einem Dach
Die Revolutionerung der Kaserne Basel
Europan 16 Austria – Living Cities
Politik, gebauter Raum und soziale Interaktion
Architecture & Micropolitics
Four Buildings 2011–2022. Farshid Moussavi Architecture
Institutions and the City
The Role of Architecture
Weak Monument
Architectures Beyond the Plinth
Hong Kong, Rome, New York, Buenos Aires. Review No. II
Paris, Delhi, São Paulo, Athens. Review No. III
There is no place like home
Critical Neighbourhoods
The Architecture of Contested Communities
Architects on Dwelling
How Beautiful Are Your Dwelling Places, Jacob
An Atlas of Jewish Space and a Synagogue for Babyn Yar
Poolologie des Wohnens
Dutch Dwellings
The Architecture of Housing
Duplex Architects
Rethinking Housing
Duplex Architekten
Wohnungsbau neu denken
Architektur in der Lehre
Bauprozess im Entwurfsstudio
Plans and Images
An Archive of Projects on Typology in Architecture 2013–2018
Montessori Architecture
A Design Instrument for Schools
Crafting the Façade
Stone, Brick, Wood
Park Books
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8001 Zürich
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