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The Home We Share
The Home We Share
Three joyous, poetic, and playful dreamscapes for Princeton University by R&R Studios in Miami
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Drifting Symmetries
Drifting Symmetries
“The book is Weiss/Manfredi’s first monograph in 15 years—and clearly the architect duo used that hiatus to radically reimagine how their buildings could be presented in such a format.”
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The Craft of Place
The Craft of Place
Scandinavian practicality meets Californian can-do spirit of innovation: 12 buildings by Mork-Ulnes Architects
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Esch Sintzel Architekten
Esch Sintzel Architekten
15 years of attractive living spaces and urban neighbourhoods – the work of Esch Sintzel Architekten in Zurich, Basel and Switzerland
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Architecture Book of the Year Award 2024
Architecture Book of the Year Award 2024
We have been honoured!
To the award
LAN – 29 Projects
LAN – 29 Projects
With award-winning buildings, Paris-based firm LAN (Local Architecture Network) designs innovative solutions for the cities of tomorrow
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In Praise of Shadows Architecture
In Praise of Shadows Architecture
“A thought or an
idea never develops into a project in a straight line.”
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Flurstrasse 89, in der Garage

Der Studiengang für Visuelle Gestaltung HF lädt in Kooperation mit den Verlagen Scheidegger & Spiess und Park Books herzlich dazu ein, im temporären Buchkiosk in der F+F Garage die vielseitigen Verlagsprogramme zu entdecken!
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Grafik von Viktoriia Myshkina, Studentin im 4. Semester
Studiengang Visuelle Gestaltung HF

Drifting Symmetries. Projects, Provocations, and other Enduring Models by Weiss/Manfredi

Drifting Symmetries emerges as a pivotal exploration of architecture’s role in shaping a sustainable and connected future. Weiss/Manfredi’s groundbreaking work transcends the boundaries between landscape, infrastructure, and architecture by reinventing sites in response to environmental and social challenges. Presented in this comprehensive volume of projects and parallel research, their work demonstrates a multidisciplinary approach that invents new settings for public life by exploring the gradient between nature and architecture.
Join us this Thursday, February 27, 6pm, for the launch of Drifting Symmetries, the latest monograph by Weiss/Manfredi! Featuring the firm’s built works alongside historical precedents and essays by Thom Mayne, Barry Bergdoll, Walter Hood, Nader Tehrani, Tatiana Bilbao, James Corner, Meejin Yoon, Rahul Mehrotra, Hashim Sarkis, Sarah Whiting, and others, Drifting Symmetries is more than a showcase of projects; it’s a manual for expanding the terrain of contemporary architecture to construct more resilient settings for contemporary life. Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi will be in conversation with Justin Davidson, New York Magazine’s architecture critic, at the Rizzoli Bookstore, NYC.

RSVPs are encouraged but not required. Link in bio!
The Home We Share. Three Social Sculptures for Princeton University
In 2022, Princeton University inaugurated Yeh College and New College West and introduced a new addition to its extensive collection of site-responsive campus art installations. The Home We Share is a series of three joyous, poetic, and playful dreamscapes nestled into the landscape surrounding these new residential colleges that offer spaces for gathering, relaxation, and play to generations of students who call this place home. Designed by R&R Studios—a multidisciplinary Miami-based firm weaving together visual arts, architecture, landscape, and the city—they offer a unique artistic impulse for social interaction among the students, teachers, and other people visiting Princeton University.
This book features The Home We Share through some one hundred conceptual diagrams, hand drawings, architectural plans, construction photos, and photographic documentation of the realized installations on the Princeton campus. The images are framed by an essay by distinguished architecture historian Michelangelo Sabatino, an interview with R&R Studio’s founders Roberto Behar and Rosario Marquardt by Harvard art Museum’s curator Mitra Abbaspour, and a foreword by James Christen Steward, director of Princeton University Art Museum.
Edited by Roberto Behar and Rosario Marquardt, R&R STUDIOS
Book design by Roberto Behar and Rosario Marquardt, R&R STUDIOS


#homeweshare #rrstudiosmiami #campusart #princetonuniversity #princetonuniversityartmuseum #socialsculptures #newcollegewest #yehcollege #contemporaryart #architecture #publicspace
LIQUIFER. Living Beyond Earth. 
Architecture for Extreme Environments
LIQUIFER Systems Group, a design and research firm based in Vienna and Bremen, has been addressing the issue of human life on planet Earth and elsewhere in the universe for two decades. Their work demonstrates how technology-based design solutions and careful use of available resources can enable us to conquer the extremes and live in space. Their concepts, feasibility studies, and technological developments all deal with the key issue of scarcity that defines life everywhere: on Mars, on the Moon, in orbit as well as on Earth.

LIQUIFER. Living Beyond Earth is the first book to present the practice’s groundbreaking work and enables the reader to delve into the visionary world of Europe’s leading space design firm. It features spectacular images and visualizations, detailed plans, and drawings that are supplemented with texts by the LIQUIFER team, as well as contributions by renowned American space architects Brent Sherwood and Christina Ciardullo.

Edited by LIQUIFER Systems Group, Jennifer Cunningham

Book design by Nik Thoenen

#liquifer #spacedesign #livingbeyondearth #designforextremes #technology #design #architecture #architecturebooks #parkbooks
Sponge Park. Gowanus Canal
Before there were sponge cities, there were sponge parks. Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal is the site of the Sponge Park master plan and pilot projects, instigating a widespread movement toward greater urban permeability. Designed by Susannah Drake and her former Brooklyn-based firm DLANDstudio Architecture + Landscape Architecture, their execution was completed in 2016 and recognized with National AIA and ASLA Urban Design Awards as well as the inaugural Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian National Design Award for Climate Action in 2020.
The Gowanus Canal was the channelized reminder of a former freshwater creek and tidal marsh. Industrial use in the 19th and 20th centuries left a legacy of heavy pollution in the soil and water. Historic industrial buildings lined the canal, so that residential neighborhoods had scarce opportunity to access the water’s edge. Today’s Sponge Park is conceived as a series of public urban waterfront spaces that slow, absorb, and filter dirty surface water runoff to clean contaminated canal water, reduce combined sewer overflow, and add open space in a park-starved neighborhood. Revealing the form, distribution, and size of natural ecological patterns in relation to the shape and patterns of infrastructure, neighborhoods, and political jurisdictions were among key components of the design.
By Susannah C. Drake
Book design by Folder Studio

#spongepark #parkbooks #dlandstudio #cooperunion #urbanplanning #uplandadaption #resilientlandscapes #publicspace #landscapedesign #coastalurbanism #newyork #climatechange
Typostruktur. Sehnsucht nach architektonischer Relevanz
Giulio Bettini und Daniel Penzis untersuchen in diesem Buch Bauten aus zehn Jahrhunderten mit Blick auf deren Tragstrukturen und das ihnen innewohnende räumliche Potenzial und wie diese Strukturen als Typus zu deklinieren sind. Aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen heraus definieren sie den neuen Begriff der «Typostruktur» für das architektonische Entwerfen. Mit diesem Verständnis von Architektur entwickelte Bauten sind nicht nur strukturell effizient und langlebig, sondern erhalten auch räumliche Qualitäten, die ihnen eine einzigartige Identität zu verleihen vermögen.
Strukturelle Effizienz, Langlebigkeit und räumliche Qualität sind für das heute mehr denn je geforderte nachhaltige Bauen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Bettini und Penzis skizzieren in diesem Essay zudem zeitgemässe Entwurfsmethoden, die zu emissionsarmen, langlebigen und materialsparenden Bauten führen. Veranschaulicht wird das Konzept und dessen Relevanz für eine zeitgemässe Architektur durch eigens für dieses Buch angefertigte Abbildungen.
Von Giulio Bettini und Daniel Penzis
@penzisbettini @danielpenzis @typostruktur 
Gestaltet von Samuel Bänziger (Bänziger Hug)

#architekturtheorie #penzisbettini #parkbooks #typostruktur #louisikahn #marcelbreuer #klosterbaldegg #hausfriis #ibmmadrid #tragstruktur #typologie #yaleartgallery